Dr. Andrew Greene has extensive experience in caring for the elderly. Born in Westmoreland, Jamaica, attended Manning's High School and a graduate of UWI medical school, He began his private practice endeavors in 1991 providing general healthcare services for the entire family. After many years of caring for the elderly both in his private practice and institutional facilities like nursing homes & hospice, he had a vision to create a facility owned and managed by a medical doctor, and providing excellent accommodation and care for the rapidly expending elderly population in Jamaica.
In October 1999 he opened his first nursing home facility, MonaCare Geriatric and Convalescent Home.
Over the years both his family practice and nursing home facility have undergone changes and relocations.
Dr. Greene family practice now operates out of York medical & Emergency care located within the York Plaza complex in the heart of Half way tree.
His nursing home facility, Comfort Care Residentials is now located in the Kingston 10 area, just a few minutes drive from the Mega Mart Complex.
Dr. Greene has major plans to expands the number of nursing home facilities he operates, hence the concept Comfort Care Residentials, encompasses institutional care facilities no only for the sick and disabled but also will include care for assisted care residents, returning residents and retirement homes.